The Neuromechanics and Ergonomics LAB

Latest News and Events

Lab attends ISEK and CSB!

It was a busy summer for the lab with students attending the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology Conference (ISEK) in Dublin and the Canadian Society for Biomechanics (CSB) Conference in Halifax. Graduate student Garrick Forman won the best poster award for ISEK!! Way to go Garrick! PhD Student, Davis Forman had an oral presentation on our exciting work investigating biceps brachii excitability with changes in forearm posture and biceps muscle... read more

Ontario Biomechanics Conference 2018

Our group attended the 2018 Ontario Biomechanics Conference this past weekend. The Holmes lab is also attending ISEK and CSB later this summer. Everyone is busy these days! But OBC is always a fun... read more